Special Offer – Book an Appointment
Comprehensive Health Checkup Offer at Al Hafiz International Hospital.
Comprehensive Health Checkup package especially designed to cover overall medical screening of your body. It aims to detect indications of infirmity at the earliest stage.
1. Consultation with General Practitioner
2. Special Investigations
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Pulmonary Function Test (Peak Flow Meter)
3. Laboratory Investigations
- Fasting Blood Sugar
- CBC and ESR
- Lipid Profile (Chol,Trig,HDL,LDL)
- Renal Profile (Uric Acid,Urea,Creatinine,Ca,Na,K,Cl,Total Protein)
- Liver Function Tests (Bilirubin,AST,ALT,Alk.Phos,Amylase,Albumin,Globulin)
- Vitamin D (25 hydroxycholecalciferol)
- Urine Culture & Sensitivity
- Stool Occult Blood