Dietitian & Nutritionist | Al Hafiz International Hospital JLT Abu Dhabi Al Hafiz International Hospital JLT Abu Dhabi Mon, 26 Dec 2022 10:57:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Proteins Mon, 26 Dec 2022 10:57:19 +0000 Are you a struggling vegan or vegetarian trying to find balance in your macronutrients? This is the post for you.

Usually, the most common difficulty vegan and vegetarians face is getting enough protein.

Protein is one of the essential macronutrients that is required to help maintain fluid and pH balance, and enhance immunity by producing antibodies. As well as producing enzymes that act as catalysts to speed up chemical reactions of digestion.

There are 2 classes of proteins

  1. Complete protein: Contains all 9 essential amino acids.
  2. Incomplete protein: Doesn’t contain all 9 essential amino acids.

What we really need to teach people is mutual supplementation and complementary protein in order to have an adequate intake of protein.

Mutual Supplementation is combining 2 or more incomplete protein sources to make a complete protein. Foods that are consumed during mutual supplementation are called complementary proteins which when combined provide all essential amino acids such as isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. All are examples of essential amino acids that are consumed via diet because our bodies can’t synthesize them as opposed to non-essential amino acids However, complementary protein doesn’t need to be consumed in the same meal, but it is advised to be consumed in the same day to have most of the benefit.

Here is what a typical meal looks like when you use mutual supplementation and complementary protein: legumes and grains like red beans and rice make up all essential amino acids with rice containing methionine and cysteine which legumes lack. There are many combinations that include vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds like tofu and broccoli with an almond spinach salad with pine nuts and kidney beans.

Don’t be scared of consuming protein because without sufficient intake of protein your body will not be capable of utilizing fats and carbohydrates to its best abilities. The recommended dietary allowance of protein is 0.8g/kg of body weight which equates to 12- 20% of your energy intake as for vegans and vegetarians you’ll find a table attached with the RDA as they differ from the people who consume animal protein.

The most common sources of plant protein include tofu, tempeh, lentils, beans, hemp seeds, chia seeds, seitan, mycoprotein, sprouted bread, and grains.



  • Whitney, Eleanor Noss author. (2016). Understanding nutrition. Stamford, CT : Cengage Learning,




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Tips To Reduce High Cholesterol Level Wed, 17 Mar 2021 11:45:38 +0000  High  Cholesterol??

Our human body needs some cholesterol to function properly. However, having too much of the bad type of cholesterol puts you at risk. High Blood Cholesterol can affect anyone.

There are two main types of cholesterol: –

  1. LDL (BAD) cholesterol
  2. HDL (GOOD) cholesterol.

Too much bad cholesterol or inadequate good cholesterol levels can affect your cardiovascular health.

There are some superfoods that can do wonders to keep your cholesterol levels in check:

  1. Oily Fish-Replacing red meat with oily fish like Salmon, mackerel, and herring is always a good option. Fish is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acid. Eating just two servings of fish a week can reduce the risk of bad cholesterol levels.
  2. Nuts (Almond& walnut)- Nuts are some of the best foods to lower cholesterol. They are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is important that you eat no more than a handful of nuts.
  3. Chia seeds-chia seeds are a fantastic source of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as a good source of antioxidants. One to two tbsp. chia seeds per day can reduce the bad cholesterol level.
  4. Unsweetened soy milk– Soy milk is a plant-based nondairy beverage. Soy milk fat is mostly unsaturated with zero cholesterol. It helps to improve your good cholesterol levels.
  5. Avocado-Avocados are fantastic for you because they contain over 20 vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, they are loaded with good fat. One avocado a day can help to reduce the “bad” LDL and increase the “good” HDL.
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Diet Tips for Ramadan Mon, 20 May 2019 05:40:58 +0000

Healthy Ramadan !!
Guidelines for Healthy food

Tip 1) Eat well at Suhoor & Ifar which are the two main meals of the day in the holy month of Ramadan.
Tip 2) Try to have a late Suhoor ( before dawn) , this is the most important meal of the day just like a usual breakfast. Be generous to include fruits, milk & a cereal here. You can try smoothies, eggs, whole wheat bread sandwiches etc.
Have a hearty, nourishing Suhoor.
Tip 3) Break your fast early with dates & water. Followed by a cup of milk / glass of fresh juice. Pray “Magreb” & continue with your meal.
Tip 4) Avoid eating spicy, fatty, or salty foods that will make you thirsty in the night.
Tip 5) Traditional desserts at the evening meal should be eaten two hours after opening the fast in small quantities. Prefer milky puddings with low fat milk and less sugar. Serve yourself, your family, and guests a “dessert” of fresh fruit and nuts. There are lovely choices available in this season, and they are much healthier.
Tip 6) Drink sufficient water between Iftar and sleep to re-hydrate & replenish water loss.
Tip 7) Try to take a power nap / rest towards the end of the day just before Iftar.
Tip 8) Don’t exercise when you are fasting. One should exercise either before Suhour or 2 hours after Iftaar . To maintain your fitness it is recommended to exercise or brisk walk four to five times a week in Ramadan.
Tip 9) Practice YOGA , stretching exercises, deep, slow, rhythmic breath techniques.
Tip 10) Don’t rush to start eating, or eat fast. Leisurely relish your food.
Tip 11) If you have any medical problem, consult your physician before fasting.
Tip 12) In the day brush your teeth & use floss.

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